Culture Assessment: Make Culture a Competitive Advantage
Companies that lack a positive culture often see individualistic mindsets in employees, reduced efficiencies, and higher costs. Having a healthy company culture means your employees are working as a team to meet company goals as well as personal goals. As a result of this healthy culture, companies often see improvements in many areas, such as employee retention and productivity. Hiring costs and time lost from inefficient processes decreases, which in turn improves financial health.
The positive impact of improving organizational culture isn’t isolated to the culture itself. From the supply chain to the customer experience, having a healthy culture filters through every aspect of a company. When businesses prioritize culture, they are making the critical connection between a healthy culture and improvements in performance, results, and profitability.
Our Culture Assessment always starts with the measurement phase. As Culture Change experts, we can measure the current health of your organization’s culture. Next, we assess the facts and look for opportunities for growth. This gives us a full understanding of where your culture is and how it can be improved. Armed with this insightful data, we work with you to create a game plan that tackles your culture’s weaknesses and builds on the strengths. We’re with you every step of the way. We ensure that the culture you’re cultivating is one that improves overall business performance.
Because organizational culture is, by nature, difficult to define, PeopleWorks undertakes the beginning of our consultation with our Culture Alignment Assessment. This multi-faceted assessment provides outstanding results.
To begin, we draw from three key data points: customer perspective, an online survey tool created by us, and (based on survey feedback) a set of interviews with a cross-section of employees.
The primary goal of PeopleWorks is to improve five Cultural Leading Indicators (CLIs):
- Organizational Perspective
- Organizational Values
- Leadership Behavior
- Work Systems
- Work Practices

The Culture Alignment Assessment allows us to establish a baseline by measuring those three data points. Once all of the data is compiled from our assessment, we get a solid picture of your culture, as opposed to just an idea. Using this quantifiable data, we present an executive summary of overall culture health, strengths and gaps, and recommendations that, if implemented, can solidify your culture as a hard corporate asset that drives results in the future.
The ultimate goal is to create an ongoing process that constantly improves the five CLIs and, in turn, results in a positive organizational culture. The benefits of a positive culture are innumerable. It results in the attraction and retention of top talent, stronger customer loyalty, an increase in innovation, growing revenue and profitability, and more.
The success of a company’s processes or overall performance can always be linked back to organizational culture health. If you’re ready to turn your company’s culture into a hard asset that drives results, contact the Culture Experts at PeopleWorks International by filling out the form below or by calling us at 800-505-3978.